Quora is one of the best and comfortable online marketing sources for every type of business. Advertise on Quora could be a great source of gaining tons of traffic as it has 300 million active users.
Likewise, Reddit, tumbler, LinkedIn, and Quora are all great platforms for Search Engine Optimization. It works as a social media page where you create your account and start building it.
Advertising on Quora is a great marketing channel online to gain awareness, traffic and followers.
What is Quora?

Quora Official
Quora is a question/answering online platform founded in 2009. It has a really simple process where the user types the question, which is shared by Quora to relevant users for appropriate answers. You can also vote for the best Quora answers and share it with the spaces (groups) for more visitors.
Why use Quora ads?
The universal truth of ads is to gain the maximum amount of traffic. Likewise, advertise on Quora also play a significant role in driving chunks of traffics to your business, ultimately boosting the conversion ratio.

Example of Advertise on Quora
To be specific, Quora ads serves for the following purposes:
- Drives more traffic to your answers as well as websites
- You can get ideas to write the blogs studying the Quora answers
- Increase your brand authority by answering the questions frequently
Now, before you advertise on Quora ads, you need to have some information or tips for advertising on Quora that results effectively.
So, here are ten tips for you:
1. Create an attractive Quora profile
You need to fill every possible information that Quora desire about your profile. Every credential shall be provided with engaging highlights.
Whenever you share your Quora answers, your personal information is displayed along with the answer. So, adding credentials will increase trust and reliability to your answers, as well.
Having a great profile can automatically gain you more followers, and people engage in your activities with more trust. Also, it makes it easier to be a part of popular Quora groups.
2. Follow relevant users, spaces and topics
Following the users or spaces is a bonus for your business. Similarly, as in LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram, you will get to connect with people who are willing to check out your posts.
You can search the users, spaces, and topics that you feel you can share your Quora ads. Select only relative spaces, i.e. if you have a fitness account then choose only fitness-related spaces. It also works as targeting the appropriate audiences for your ads.
3. Apply SEO for your answers

SEO for Quora advertising
You surely don’t want your content only be seen by Quora users or get lost into Google SERP. So, to get more organic traffic in less effort, you should sometimes attach links of your site on your answers.
For a suggestion, Quora is a non-promotional platform, so, it is better not to use more links that take readers into your sites. You need to be really careful in that matter.
4. Don’t over-promote your business site
As you already know Quora is a non-promotional platform, so answering the Quora question to drag traffic over your website is a false habit. Using more links in Quora answering will lead to answer deletion and also might cause account banned.
So, take Quora as an indirect promotion platform where you create profiles and build credibility for your business after winning the trusts of users.
5. Only choose the question you can answer correctly
Don’t answer those questions that you have no concept of. Even though quora is not strict on this matter, but you could lose your image in front of millions of users.
You might get bad comments and have a bad impression on first-time visitors on your answers. So, only select the question which you can answer confidently and in which you have thorough knowledge. You can grasp the core ideas and knowledge regarding the query by viewing other’s answers as well.
6. Add Visual Contents
Visual contents are always appreciated by the viewers. People get more attracted to those answers that contain images, videos, etc. rather than a bunch of texts content.
Also while sharing your contents, your images perform as a banner image to the answer. You can add an image to every single content as a mandatory form. The video message is even more appreciated which leads to maximum up-votes and views.
7. Write quality answers than lengthy ones
Visitors don’t wish to spend their time reading your lengthy answers. They want short and specific answers.
Try to solve the query in an attractive way because everything represents your brand. Present the specific answer on top paragraphs where a visitor can get directly engaged as soon as they enter your link.
Represent your answers in short paragraphs of a maximum of 2-3 lines and use bullet points to improve the readability of your answers.
8. Be more active
It’s better if you handled advertising on Quora just like your other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.
Being more active and providing frequent content increases the trust of your viewers and gets a high chance of users being engaged to your accounts.
You can answer one question per week or even one question per day. It depends on you how you can manage time for Quora. This will prevent your account from loss of the topic authority.
9. Answer as soon as possible
The faster you reply to the question, the better it is. This will help your answer to rank on top position.
This does not mean you jump in to answer immediately whenever anyone posted a query. You can take your time for research and answer after being fully prepared.
For your ease, you can monitor the Quora notifications or even email notification so you can stay a step ahead than others.
10. Social media engagement
The contents you write on Quora can be shared directly on social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. So, make sure you have impressive followers on your social media pages, as well.

Social Media Engagement for Quora advertising
The more you share your Quora ads and contents on social media, the more traffic is generated to your links. This is the easiest and effective method of increasing your visitors.
Finally, after implementing all these points on your Quora profile, it will eventually lead to a successful business marketing. If you are new to online business, then advertise on Quora is the perfect for gaining traffics.
So, when is your business going to start advertising on Quora?