If you are inside this blog, I bet you have already run multiples of Google ads. Another reason is to improve and create creatives for google ad quality so that it converts and increases your sales.
You might know that only running ads on Google are not sufficient to convert into sales. Else, you won’t be here right now!
Google ads are a powerful online advertising tool with 5.6 billion searches per day. That’s why you seriously need to take care of Google ads to drag maximum visitors and converting them into worthy customers.
So, to get more conversions through Google Ads, I have collected some of the really good tips on creating creative and engaging Google Ads.
1. Make a Visible CTA (Call-To-Action)
People nowadays want immediate access as soon as they feel they want to engage in our services. They search if any CTA is available in our ads or not. If the CTA is available, that’s good; you can have your customer right away. But, if your ads miss the CTA then the customer might change their mind, and you might lose your customer at the same moment.

Call To Action
Because you need to provide the way that generates the sales, which is applying a CTA into your Google ads, the main purpose of ads is to suggest the audiences to buy and use our products. So, if we don’t include CTA then what’s the point of advertising?
So, make sure you present one CTA on the surface of Google ads.
2. Eye-catching contents (Graphics)
Your contents will determine whether to click on the ads or scroll down. Your ads should catch the eye of users while scrolling their search engine result page. It should be really engaging that people would stay and click further.
Instead of only text ads, you need to try something different, like creating images, videos, and many more. That will increase their interaction with your ads. Otherwise, only texted ads are not so appreciated, and people usually ignore those ads.

Eye Catching Ads
Contents with attractive graphics will increase with 80% to hold the users and click into your ads also to convert into customers as well.
So, use at least one graphical attraction in every ad from now on and see the change yourself.
3. Informative caption
Another really important factor for dragging visitors into your Google ads is an informative and authentic caption.
A caption is the next eye-catching part that increases the chance of converting sales. After the graphical images or videos, people read the caption before clicking the ads.
They want to have some information about your ads before clicking it, so; they search for the caption. People only enter the site if they are interested, and that interest is generated from the caption. Writing an amazing caption would force people to click on the ads.
4. Heading should be meaningful
Your heading should represent the whole advertising and site. You should choose such headings that will automatically generate a sense of interest to click and engage in further process.
You should write the heading that triggers the emotional response from the users. Creating a Google ad that converts shall be considered more of an art where every small factor should be managed and defined properly.
5. Creating a sense of urgency
This is a great technique that works every single time. People will be crazy to interact with your products whenever they come to know your product is going to be out of stock or you add some discount amount.
A new feature provided by Google “Countdown Timer” which you can include on your headline or description phase. To add the timer, all you have to add is “{=” and a dashboard appears, which is shown below.

Sense of Urgency
After the timer set-up, visitors will fear to lose their chance to buy your products, and interested people will immediately convert into sales.
6. Use Ad-Extensions
Ad-Extensions are the extra information that you present on your ads, which displays on the Search Engine Result Page.
It is a great strategy to increase CTR (Click-Through-Rate) to attract users. Users wish to gain as much information they can only reading your ads. And if they grow interested in reading your information, then they will surely click your ads.

Example of Google Ads Extension
Here is an example of a Google ad extension where four more links are shown on a single ad. This will increase the probability of visiting your ads and getting conversions.
Hence, to convert your visitors into customers, you need to apply these six creative tips on creatives for Google ads, which will change the structure and presentation of your ads. Having an attractive ad will automatically grab the focus of users and increase engagements, which leads to conversion.
So, how creative is your Google Ads?